Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on How Play influences Development - 1002 Words
A princess wearing a fluffy pink gown with sparkles, flowers, and diamonds stand in her tower over looking her village. Suddenly a fire-breathing dragon comes out of nowhere knocking down the village houses! The princess will need to save the day! This is just one way children pretend and play. In this little fantasy simple items transform into towers, houses, and dragons. Play is a vital part of development and early learning. Play influence cognitive, social, emotional development as well as with self-regulation, motivation, and decentration. Play is natural and instinctive activity that helps children develop in all areas. There are different types of play. Dramatic and Sociodramatic play is person-oriented and not material/object†¦show more content†¦First children learn best when their bodies are strong, healthy, flexible, and coordinated. Therefor play contributes to physical development and health in the early years. Play aids in physical health as children and as adults. Physically play promotes early brain development and learning in young children. It also decreases the risk of developing health conditions like coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, obesity and many other chronic health conditions. Play engages social and emotional skills. Play teaches children to take turns, share, have responsibility, and how to problem solve. When a child plays pretend it can teach moral development and empathy. Self-esteem can also develop out of play because children learn they can be anythin g they want through play. Social interaction skills develop from play. Freud identified play as the central way in which children express their fears, anxieties, and desires. Play is how children deal with traumatic situations. Through play children confront challenges and changes. Play allows children to have power in their world. Children learn awareness of others, cooperation, turn-taking, social language, develop a social identity, and learn about rules and values in family, community, and cultures all through play. The development of skills and strategies for learning problem solving is the major task of early childhood educators.Show MoreRelated Emotional devleopment in children Essay683 Words  | 3 Pages Emotional development is a major factor in the overall development of a child. It is believed that emotional and social development are very closely entwined. Child experts and psychologists agree that emotions are vital in a child’s life and to be able to promote a healthy social development a child must learn how to correctly find solutions to interpersonal problems. 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